Lord have mercy on us in this country. I wonder the kind of education the system is dishing out at this times.
This is a graduate from an institution of higher learning. At least if she is not a University graduate, she would be a polytechnic graduate. This is just too bad. She murdered the English Language or was it the Language that murdered her. The language surely murdered her because she is now a corpse!!!!

Eko a.k.a (Lagos) is a city of many sides. You find the good, the bad and the ugly like most global metropolitan centers and this makes Lagos an exciting place to be. Any first time visitor to the state will always marvel at the way Lagosians survive and when they experience this, they wouldn’t want to return to the places they came
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 Daughter of Head of States, President Muhammed Buhari, Zahra Buhari took to her twitter page to make known, that her mother, Aisha Buhari, first lady of the country and her Non Governmental Organization, Future Assured, will be taking responsibility for the baby who was born with his heart outside his chest in Yobe on Monday June 6th.
The beauty said on Twitter:

‘Please to announce that @aishambuhari @FutureAssured will be taking care of the baby boy born with his heart exposed’.

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